Hello all, today I’ve released a fairly small update to budgie-desktop, v1.19
From the GitHub release page:
- glib schemas should be compiled
- CSS styles built directly into binary
- popover support greatly improved (using grabs, should disappear when its meant to)
- Battery icon correctly displays various statuses, including fully charged
- Icon tasklist fully functional, including action menu (right click)
- Touch support improved (tasklist, etc.)
- Painting issues fixed
The RPM packages on OBS now have post,postun handlers to ensure that the GLib schemas are compiled on the host, as is expected. I apologise for this failure in the last release.
Note the version number is not indicative of stability, and is generated via “git –describe tags”
As usual, you can install for Fedora 20 and openSUSE 13.1 via the OBS repository