Hello all! I hope you’re all enjoying the new release of Courageous Budgie! I wanted to take a few minutes to announce a new fundraiser/donations drive initiative for the Evolve OS Projects (Distro/Desktop/etc). To cut a short story long, I haven’t been able to put as much time as I would have liked into developing Evolve OS and its projects over the last couple of months. This is mostly because I have to utilise my spare time to make a little extra income here and there.
Ideally I’d like to give all my spare time over to working on what I love (I’m sure we all would, in reality), but with the help of the community I’m sure we could realistically achieve that goal. I’d like to see us have a solid release of Evolve OS and the Budgie Desktop this side of Christmas, at least early-RC stages.

Now, if the “campaign” went well, this frees up the option of being able to invest in a Secure Boot key, for example, on behalf of the project. It will enable me to put all the time into perfecting Evolve OS and Budgie, and solidifying the project as a whole.
With more time on the project, I can finish up various things like the overhaul of the installer, driver management, etc on the distro side of things, as well as populating the repo at a decent pace. On the Budgie Desktop side of things we can finally begin implementing AppIndicator support, multi-monitor support, better workspaces (dynamic), finish the notification center, etc.
So, if you wanna help us out, just click the “Donate” button on the home page. There are no obligations, obviously 🙂 If you don’t want your name published, please say so! If you’re ok with it, we’ll publish donor names to credit their contribution in a public way. My aim is to put both evenings and weekends into Evolve OS and the Budgie Desktop over the coming weeks to really bring the development pace up!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!