We are happy to announce the first release of Brisk Menu, our implementation of a clean, efficient, and modern menu for the MATE Desktop. Brisk Menu 0.1.0 enables quick launching of applications, as well as access to session controls (such as logout, suspend, hibernate) and the system’s Control Center.
Brisk Menu is in its early days and we have a lot of plans for it going forward. Firstly, we will be working to enable launching Brisk Menu with the Super key. After that, we’ll be working on making Brisk Menu translatable, as well as introducing the following customization options:
- Implementing a Favorites feature to enable pinning items inside the menu.
- General Brisk Menu appearance, for example the ability to toggle sidebar icons.
- The Brisk Menu MATE applet label and icon.
We look forward to everyone’s feedback as well as working with the Ubuntu MATE project in the new year on improving Brisk Menu and the MATE Desktop as a whole. You can expect to see Brisk Menu featured in the upcoming Solus MATE Edition’s ISO snapshot, and can obtain the tarballs for the release via our GitHub page.